You can invest financially in Standard Financials Ltd in units of millions of XAF CFA. The minimum investment you can make is 1,000,000F CFA. All investments are backed by an ‘Investment Certificate’ issued by Standard Financials Limited and certifying that you have invested a given amount in the company. The certificate will include footnotes specifying the conditions of your investment and transferability options.
You have the option to make either Equity investment (and earn devidends whenever profit is made) or as a 'Fixed income' -debt investor (in which case, you earn a fixed and defined return independent of the level of product that the company makes)
Your choice to invest as an equity holder or a fixed income investor, depends on your level of risk aversion and your personal preferences. You can contact us or an independent investment advisor before taking any decision.
1- Earn dividends or fixed income return on your investments;
Standard Financials is projecting a 15% or more dividends payment from the second year of operations.
2- Expect a significant capital gain on your investment as years go by (equity investors).
As we keep building value at Standard Financials, so too is the value of your initial investment grows. For example, if you buy 1 share for 1 million FCFA today, this value may double in say 4 years if you wish to sale your share then. The growth in the value of your share depends on the growth and earning potentials in the company.
3- Possibility of joining the Board or Management team
As an Investor of Standard Financials, and depending on your experience and availability, you can be invited to join the board of directors and help in shaping the direction of the company. You can join the management team on a full time basis as a Managing Partner (Director).
4- Contributing in the growth and development of the local economy and offering more employment opportunities
You can redeem (call back) your investment at Standard Financials whenever you wish, but this is subject to the following conditions
If you are interested in investing in Standard Financials Limited – Cameroon, express your interest by email; and we will get back to you for preliminary discussions
@2025 Standard Financials Ltd . All rights reserved.