Welcome to Standard Financials!

Asset Management

Asset Management

We manage all classes of assets on behalf of our private and institutional clients.
We study our client’s portfolio and propose a more efficient allocation that meets their short, medium and long term aspirations. In the process, we assist our clients to balance their portfolios in relation to assets class (diversification) and performance (risk-return).

Our main objective here is to make our client better off in terms of quality of assets holding and return. Risk management is central to our actions and we ensure that clients’ exposure to any form of risk is well anticipated and contained.
We specialize on the following aspects on Asset Management.

  • Equity management;
    We manage the shares of our clients in companies and represent them in the board where applicable. We focus on protecting and maximizing the value of our clients’ equity investments in the company or institution in which they have invested.
  • Debt (credit) and bond management;
    We manage credit or debt investments that our clients make to borrowers (Individuals, enterprises, institutions & government). We monitor and anticipate any stressful signals before they occur, thereby helping our clients minimize risk of any potential defaults. In the process, we help our clients with recoveries.
  • Real estate Management
    Standard Financials manages rental income from real estate on behalf of its clients. This is particularly relevant for real estate investor resident abroad or who maybe too busy to efficient manage such investments
  • Enterprise management
    we provide adapted management for enterprises and start-ups facing managerial difficulties. Depending on your specific managerial requirements, our priority will be to come up with management that meets the specific challenges facing your enterprise. Our focus is to put you on track by improving on the basics (Cost reduction, revenue and profit maximization, growth and expansion etc.)